Tuesday 19 August 2008

There's only one Indy, George Lucas says

George Lucas says he's already identified the one person wHO can sustain the Indiana Jones dealership going: Harrison Ford.

The film maker scoffed at the possibleness of passing the noted fedora from Ford to Shia LaBeouf, the 22-year-old actor world Health Organization played Indy's son Mutt Williams in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

"He is Indiana Jones," Lucas aforesaid of Ford. "If Indiana Jones wasn't in it, you'd hold to call it 'Mutt Williams and the search for Elvis'."

In an interview at his Big Rock Ranch outside San Francisco, he aforesaid he didn't pay much attention to the reception from critics and fans to Crystal Skull.

But he definitely sees a future for Dr Jones�- a fifth movie is sure as shooting a possibility.

"The franchise really depends on me coming up with a good idea," Lucas said.

"And that series is very research-intensive. So we're doing research now to see if we can't come up with another object for him to chase."

Meanwhile, the 64-year-old movie maker has another franchise to nurture�- Star Wars.

Lucas produced the animated Star Wars: Clone Wars, hitting New Zealand cinemas later this week.

It volition be followed later this year with the launch of an animated TV series of the same name, airing on the Cartoon Network and TNT.

Lucas plans a Star Wars TV series as intimately, and he's also look into re-releasing the vI Star Wars films victimisation new 3D technology.

"We worked on some, with a company that was developing the engineering a few years ago to convert films into 3D, we worked with them. The system plant great. It's just not very practical.

"So what we've been running on since then is to uprise a variety of practical way to do it. And we will have there. It's just a technological challenge."


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